Title: Red Tractors 1958-2013: Collector's Edition Authors: Lee Klancher, Oscar Will III, Kenneth Updike ISBN: 978-1-937747-16-9 Publisher: Octane Press Page Count: 384 Format: 11.8125 x 10.5 inch hardcover Publication Date: August 30, 2013 Retail Price: $250.00 The Collector's Edition has all the great features of the Standard Edition, plus:
"This book is absolutely awesome! I am not sure my words can do it justice, to be honest. The detail in the text and the beauty in the photography are exquisite."
-Max Armstrong, WGN Radio
"The Official Guide to International Harvesters and Case IH Farm Tractors in the Modern Era"
Summary (384 pages )
This authorized history of International Harvester and Case-IH tractors includes data and photos of every model built from 1958 to 2013, as well as in-depth information about how these tractors were designed and constructed. The story traces the innovations and struggles of the final days of International Harvester, and then the exciting story of the creation of the Case-IH Magnum, an innovative machine that blends some of the great engineering done by International Harvester in the their final days with thoughtful engineering additions and refinements from the newly blended team. With a mix of new photography of some of the most exceptional collectible models in existence along with hundreds of previously unpublished photographs from the IH and Case-IH archives, this thorough book is the most authoritative guide on red tractors ever published.
Title: Red Tractors 1958-2013